job applicant shaking hands with the hiring manager

How to Crush an Interview: Your Guide to Success

Job interviews can be a rather intimidating experience, whether you’re seeking your first job or changing careers. This is why being prepared and knowledgeable of the proper approach play key roles in your application. Needless to say, acing the interview is easier said than done. To really know you’ve nailed it, you have to walk into any interview and stand out among the competition.

How do you pull this off, then? This guide will equip you with proven tips on how to crush an interview, boost your confidence, and ultimately land that job. Read on!

Why is It Important to Prepare for an Interview?

Preparation is key to successful interviews. By dedicating time to research the company, understand the role, and practice your responses, you give off an impression tothe hiring manager that you are up for the challenge and are genuinely interested in the position.

A LinkedIn study found that job applicants who prepare in advance perform better during interviews, are more confident, and can describe their qualifications clearly. This is crucial as the interview process tests your skills and how you would fit in with the company’s culture. Moreover, good preparation eases pre-interview anxiety and makes it easier to answer questions naturally.

Types of Interviews You Should Prepare For

Job interviews come in different forms, and each one requires a different approach. The following are some of the more common interview types and how to prepare for them:

Traditional Interviews

This is the most common type of interview, where a single interviewer asks questions about your experience, skills, and how you’d fit the role. Make sure to review the job description and be ready to discuss how your past work experience relates to the position you’re applying for.

Behavioral Interviews

These are focused on how you’ve handled situations in the past. Interviewers use behavioral questions to predict how you’ll perform in the future based on your previous actions. The STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method is a great way to structure your responses, making it easy to communicate your experiences clearly and effectively.

Panel Interviews

This type of interview pits you with multiple interviewers at once. It is important to engage with each panel member by staying in eye contact and responding thoughtfully. Don’t let the number of interviewers scare you; just be confident as you present yourself to them.

Virtual Interviews

With the increased remote work, many companies are now conducting interviews online. Beforehand, make sure your tech set-up is ready; check your internet connection, camera, and microphone. Treat virtual interviews like in-person interviews. Dress professionally, use the camera to make eye contact, and minimize distractions.

confident job applicant in an interview after researching tips on how to crush an interview

How to Crush an Interview Like a Pro

Acing an interview isn’t just about getting the answer right—it’s also about selling yourself as the right candidate. Here’s how to crush an interview like a seasoned pro:

1. Research the Company

Be familiar with the company’s mission and vision, values, and recent projects. It shows that you’re interested in the role and ready to ask questions in the interview, as this is part of your career plans.

2. Prepare for Common Interview Questions

Anticipate typical interview questions asked your way, such as “Why do you want this job?” or “Tell me about a challenge you faced and how you overcame it.” Give specific examples of things you’ve done in the past.

3. Use the STAR Method

When asked behavioral questions, answer using the STAR method. This format ensures that your answers are concise and that you can handle real-world problems.

4. Rehearse Your Body Language

Non-verbal cues are just as important as verbal responses. Sit up straight, make eye contact, and do not fidget. Your body language must be confident and professional during the interview.

5. Listen Carefully and Ask Questions

Pay attention and carefully respond to an interviewer’s questions. At the end, ask questions about the workplace culture, including how they help employees avoid burnout or maintain a healthy work-life balance. This shows your genuine interest in the role and the part you can play for the company.

Here’s a video that further helps job hopefuls like you on how to crush an interview:

YouTube video player

Additional Dos and Don’ts During an Interview


  • Arrive Early: Punctuality is crucial. Try to get there about 10 minutes before the interview to get some time to settle in and make a good first impression.
  • Dress Professionally: Even in virtual interviews, your dress says a lot about how serious you are about the job and about yourself.
  • Be Polite: Greet everyone courteously, from the receptionist to the hiring manager. A positive attitude and demeanor leave a positive impression that can work in your favor.


  • Don’t Speak Negatively About Past Employers: Don’t criticize your previous employers, no matter how tough your past job was. Be present and focus on how far you have come from where you started in this experience.
  • Don’t Over-Talk: While it’s important to elaborate on your answers, do not ramble. Be precise by keeping your messages concise and straight to the point.
  • Don’t Forget to Follow Up: After the interview, make sure to send an email thanking them for the opportunity. A simple gesture can go a long way.

Telling Signs Your Interview Went Well

Wondering how you did after the interview? Here are some signs that suggest you nailed it:

  • Interview Runs Longer Than Expected: If the interviewer asks you further questions, chances are they want to know more about you.
  • Interviewer Introduces You to the Team: Introducing you to your potential future colleagues may imply that the interviewer thinks you’re a good candidate for the role.
  • Positive Body Language from Interviewer: Typically, positive signals from the interviewer can be as easy as smiles, nods, and open gestures.
  • Discussion of Next Steps: If the interviewer mentions the next steps in the hiring process and the timeline for decision-making, it’s a sign that they are seriously considering you for the job.
successful job interview symbolized by shaking hands

Achieve Your Career Goals with FilWeb Asia

Never go to a battle unprepared. Yes, confidence is important, but having this alone won’t produce good results after an interview. If you’re really looking for ways on how to crush an interview, preparation will always be the first option.

Are you ready to put these job interview tips into action? At FilWeb Asia, we’re all about helping people reach their career goals. Whether you’re a fresh graduate or moving to a new role, we have a wide range of opportunities to help you grow and succeed.

What are you waiting for? Take the next step in your career journey with us. Explore career opportunities at FilWeb Asia today!